lets just forget about yesterday's little dummy spit and move on...

otto says 'Thanks for playing, everyone! I hope you enjoy your upcoming week! =)'
The following all begin with 'In your lifetime, have you....'
1. ...ridden on a rollercoaster? yes, several times and hated every moment of every ride...
2. ...performed (in any area of the arts) onstage? yes, if you count being a 'dolly from the follies' in a 2nd grade production of 'the wedding of the painted doll'...
3. ...planted a garden? yes, vegetables, herbs and flowers
4. ...ever had to reformat your hard drive due to a virus/spyware? no, not yet and hopefully, i will never have to...
5. ...written a book? A poem? A song? yes, the odd haiku
6. ...sang karaoke? not yet, never been drunk enough to unleash my lack of singing talent on an unsuspecting public :)
7. ...been interviewed by a local tv station/newspaper? yes, the local paper visited when i organised a fund raising morning tea at the office for cancer research back in 1995. omg, was that really 10 years ago!!
8. ...witnessed a tornado/earthquake/hurricane first-hand? um, depends... when the newcastle earthquake happened in 1989, the building i worked in here in sydney shifted on it's foundations and moved about 2-3 inches in one direction and then back again. in reality, i would say i have not witnessed it first hand but we sure did feel it.
9. ...participated in a photo scavenger hunt? no, but only because i have no idea what to do...
10. ...traveled to another country? yes, indeedy...
better late than never, here are some

- Heimlich:: manoeuvre
- Gesture:: symbolic
- Party:: animal
- Cuddle:: ...me
- Room with a view:: opera
- Sebastian:: hardie
- Ooooh:: yeah!
- Sigh:: of relief
- Two fish, three fish:: dinner
- Cake or death:: cake, please

diva : annie lennox
antics : interpol
turn on the bright lights : interpol
abc 702