stupid girly pains struck on friday morning, bad enough that i ended up not going to see the panics on friday night - i cried when i told miss e i would not be up to it and i cried again when i got home - such a sook...
felt better enough on saturday to front up for some overtime - again, i only do it for the money - 6.5 hours work will add 13 hours pay to my pocket. did not do much with the rest of day but managed to stay up until 3am this morning, engaged in

after a well deserved sleep-in until midday (the joy of having the blind down, the curtains drawn and the alarm firmly in the 'off' position), i managed to get the washing done, a brief spot of

- Crowd:: a face in the...
- Hamburger:: heaven
- Choker:: chain
- Lights:: camera, action
- Tinsel:: gaudy
- Testament:: last will and...
- Best part of the day:: 'getting home from work' time
- Election:: ballot papers
- Clarinet:: acker bilk
- Dead Sea:: floating

it's my life : talk talk
antics : interpol
turn on the bright lights : interpol
silent alarm : bloc party
substance (disc 1) : new order
hot fuss : the killers