it was off to work i went but only after having a bloodtest first. the pathology centre opens at 9am - i got there on the dot of 9am and was still behind 6 other early risers! my blood did not want to flow today, it took much poking about and two sharp needles to find a vein willing to give up some of my lovely personal vintage claret. (at least i didn't faint, unlike some other poor person who went before me.) i thought the stuff that keeps me alive looked quite a healthy shade of red but the lady doing the bloodletting thought it looked rather pale and suggested that my results will show that i am my usual anaemic self. i trust her judgement - she does this all day, every day. someone pass me a steak...
work was ok - i was just processing payments - pure data entry. i got the wall of sound going (see 'music to my ears' below) and managed a workflow management rated 7 hours of work in just 5.5 hours - all at double time - yippee!!!
tonight i have managed to drink
most of a bottle of rose, most of it while talking on the phone for over 2 hours to a certain disappearing/reappearing person. i'm not surprised that i have been driven to drink...
a 25

day which is 250% of the
music to my ears

silent alarm : bloc party
songs for polar bears : snow patrol
when it's all over we still have to clear up : snow patrol
hot fuss : the killers
kicking the national habit : grand national
the last broadcast : doves