the mood is still up. in the supermarket, there was a man and his young daughter in the queue behind me - they only had a packet of mini snickers bars while i had a basket full of vegetables. kind susan fought her way past grumpy susan and let them be served before me - the smiles on their faces made it worthwhile.
i challenge all of my visitors to do something nice for a total stranger today and report back to me.
failure to do this will mean no nice smiles to cheer your day

and just because i've been so boring lately, here are some fun blog games for you to play
originally found here and spotted here too...
10 things i've never done...
1. won an olympic medal
2. watched desperate housewives
3. owned a leather jacket
4. watched a sunset over the ocean
5. been to antarctica
6. driven a bus
7. jumped out of an aeroplane
8. walked a mile in someone else's shoes
9. won the lottery
10. worked out the meaning of life
and found this one here
go to google image search and type in your answers to the following questions. post the first picture that is available for it, no matter what it is.
1. where were you born?
2. where did you grow up?
3. where do you live now?
4. what is your name?
5. what is your favorite food?
6. what is your favorite drink?
7. what is your favorite band?
8. what is your favorite scent?
9. what are your favorite shoes?
10. where did you go to school?
a 5

antics : interpol
turn on the bright lights : interpol
abc 702