a certain disappearing / reappearing person used his wily snake-oil peddler charms and i fell for it. would it surprise you if i told you he has disappeared again? i have tried to make allowances as he has had some recent family dramas but that is no excuse for standing me up and not having the decency to call to cancel or plead some idiotic excuse. the problem is that i knew this would probably happen as it is not like he has not done it before. i am more angry with myself for falling for his particular brand of charm again. this temporary lapse of reason on my part has pushed me back into old, useless behaviour of my own; shutting down and holding in my feelings. not any more...
so, how was your tuesday? mine was ok.
p.s. happy 21st birthday to my nephew, michael :) - all of my babies are growing up :(
p.p.s. don't you think it is about time you had your own audioscrobbler account?
a 4

antics : interpol
turn on the bright lights : interpol
abc 702