i was up early on saturday and got most of the housework out of the way. my friend gk came over for a while and then i cooked a yummy dinner of beef & vege stir fry with chili jam. i even stayed off the net for a few hours and watched two of my borrowed dvds:
the boondock saints: this was recommended by one of the guys at work - it was a lot fun. willem dafoe has moved rapidly up into my top five favourite actors.
getting square: another movie with david wenham. being a junked up loser in this one, he is hardly the sexy heart-throb we know and love but that is part of his charm as an actor. he has a great ability to play so many diverse roles and do it well.
today was pretty much the same - did the washing, net-lurked and went to the supermarket and greengrocer for vegetables and stuff. i have to stop buying lunch during the week as it wastes an awful lot of money. cooked spaghetti bolognese for dinner tonight and now have a bunch of leftovers in the freezer for lunches. tomorrow night i plan to cook some delicious chicken / mushroom / lemon / basil risotto and then i wont to have to cook again for a while as i bought some nice salad stuff too - i really need to eat more veges and start looking after myself - if i don't, no one else will...

- Grandma:: nanna
- Pet:: can i have a puppy, pleeeease??
- Desolate:: barren
- Backspace:: my favourite and most used key
- Common ground:: something similar
- Storm:: lightning
- Dark:: horse
- Water bottle:: modern day accessory
- Training:: wheels
- Dot coms:: winners & losers

hot fuss : the killers
silent alarm : bloc party