1. My desk chair is the most used piece of furniture in my house.
2. The one electronic 'gadget' that I use most often is my computer (does this count as a 'gadget'?).
3. My favorite appliance, and the one I absolutely cannot live without is the computer. (again, does my computer count as an 'appliance'?? if no, my answer would be kettle.)
4. One thing that I thought I just HAD to have at one time, and I now barely ever use, is my bread machine.
5. I find it easiest to keep in touch with family and friends via email or telephone but i'm such a slacker, i often don't use either...
6. I own more cd's (or other music media) than I do pairs of shoes (and this is despite my shoe fetish...)
7. All my important addresses are stored in/on my head. (aaarrgghhh!!!)
8. If I had to live without TWO keys on my keyboard, I would choose at least one of the shift keys (i do use them occasionally...) & 'NumLock'.
9. I probably own about ??? pieces of software that I haven't used in years. i inherited my computer from my ex and there are files/programs/bits of stuff on my computer that i don't even know what they are, let alone what they are for or how to use them... i could be sending all my secrets to the russians for all i know...
10. There are a few food items that I try NEVER to run out of, and those would be milk, teabags, sugar, bread, butter and jam or vegemite or honey. tea and toast will always fill your belly.
*** bowling update ***

how embarrassment!!! 93, 92, 130. our team go zero points. 3rd place but may slip to 4th