my home
the usual lazy sunday: sleep in, blogcruise, lie on the couch looking at the tele, mad dash to get 4 loads of washing done before the sun goes down, take out the garbage (we went to the movies today, i'll take it to the zoo next week... oh dear, that was an awful, awful joke...)
still no abc through the digital box - i'm going to try the tv without the digital box with the repositioned aerial and see what happens. at least i get the other channels and the reception is pretty much perfect. sadly i watch of lot of abc shows and it was the one with the worst reception previously so i was really hoping to get it via the digital box...
i had a chat with sue from flat 6 today. there is some movement on the plans to turn our yard into carparking spaces. the power pole that was right on our fence in the lane has been moved to the other side of the lane. one clothesline has been moved, the other one and the laundry will be demolished. the laundry will be moved to a tiny, tiny room at the far end of the yard. sue's daughter in flat 2 moves to queensland this week, the girl in flat 3 has moved, flat 10 is still vacant since the yobbos moved out - all of this means lots of new tenants to come in the next few weeks. apart from fred in 7 and the old lady in 5, i'll move up to be the 3rd longest tenant in the building. a lot of people have come and gone since i've been here, which will be 4 years on the 22nd of september. my life has improved so much since i moved here, a heartbroken wreck

- Pointless:: futile
- Sadistic:: cruel
- Bunny:: rupert or poke the...
- Betrayal:: double cross
- Oliver:: sacks
- Star Wars:: hardware wars
- Let it ride:: gamble
- Ray of light:: madonna
- Tight:: miserly
- Gadget:: "bring your money with you!"
please describe yourself : dogs die in hot cars
a song is a city : eskimo joe
from the sea (cd single) : eskimo joe
the runaway found : the veils
the final straw : snow patrol
the last broadcast : doves
when it's all over we still have to clear up : snow patrol