i was not in a blogging mood last night, so i'll backtrack to friday. one of the agencies that i sent my resume to on thursday night called me early on friday. i have an appointment to go and have a chat & have my skills tested on monday morning!! the lady i spoke to seemed very keen to see me as soon as possible as she has already been interviewing others for this role. i'm not going to get too excited but she seemed to think i would be very suitable!! they want advanced excel skills with experience using macros - i've not used macros a lot so that could be my stumbling block. i think i'll spend some time this weekend playing with excel and teaching myself how to use macros! there were free drinks after work last night but i really did not feel like spending the night in a pub drinking cheap wine (they only provide beer and wine and i absolutely hate beer) and breathing in second hand cigarette smoke. having a headache all day did not make me any more inclined to attend...
today has been a very boring day. i turned off the alarm before i went to bed last night and slept in 'til 10am. it's so nice not waking up to the shriek of the alarm clock. i'm having a quiet weekend at home as i'm poor. i have spent way too much money this week and will have to be very frugal for the next few days. tea & toast and pasta with tomato/tuna/pinenut/lemon sauce. yum. i'm also having a bit of a grump, so i'm better off staying home and not inflicting that grump on the world at large.
this week the backyard has finally started it's transformation into a carpark. i went downstairs to do my washing and was not a happy girl! there are two paths to get to the laundry and both were blocked with planks of wood that have been wedged around the concrete block that will make my landlord richer to the tune of $165 per week. the language that came from my mouth would have made a wharfie blush... i managed to navigate my way around the mess and got the washing done but you can rest assured that there will be a complaint made to the real estate agents office on monday.

while there has been talk of this happening since june, we were not given any official notice of when it would start and they should not be allowed to block access to the laundry. it will be very dangerous for anyone who comes and goes via the rear lane as there is no light out there. if someone gets injured they could sue the estate agent and the people who have made the mess.
i'm also a bit pissed off because the lovely jasmine bush is gone.

soundtrack of the last whenever:
hymns of the 49th parallel : kd lang
elemental : tears for fears
galleon : richard pleasance
(what's the story) morning glory : oasis
the definitive anthology : richard clapton
short note : matt finish
greatest : duran duran
a song is a city : eskimo joe
from the sea (cd single) : eskimo joe
it's too late (cd single) : evermore (their cd is released soon - i think i'll buy it)
i'm off to lie on the couch and watch 'homeward bound: the incredible journey' which i'm sure will never be as good at the original! this will be followed by 'bootmen' - it has the fabulous sam worthington in it. he was also in thursday's film.