Hardback or Paperback: both
Highlight or Underline: never
Lewis or Tolkien: tolkien
E.B. White or A.A. Milne: a.a. milne
T.S. Eliot or e.e. cummings: e e cummings
Stephen King or Dean Koontz: have read both but prefer neither
Barnes & Noble or Borders: borders (but only because we don't have barnes & noble here in oz, yet).
Dymocks or Angus & Robertson: dymocks
Fantasy or Science Fiction: neither
Horror or Suspense: both
Bookmark or Dogear: yes but mostly bookmark (even if it's a bus ticket)
Large Print or Fine Print: any
Hemingway or Faulkner: hemingway (i'm shamed to admit i've not read faulkner - recommendations accepted!)
Fitzgerald or Steinbeck: fitzgerald (ditto about steinbeck...)
Homer or Plato: homer (simpson)

Geoffrey Chaucer or Edmund Spenser: chaucer
Pen or Pencil: both
Looseleaf or Notepad: both
Alphabetize: no
Shelve: By Genre/Subject or All Books Together: all over the place...
Dustjacket: Leave it On or Take it Off: off when reading, on if I can find it aftewards
Novella or Epic: both
John Grisham or Scott Turow: have not read either
J.K. Rowling or Lemony Snicket: have not read either
John Irving or John Updike: irving
Salman Rushdie or Don Delillo: delillo
Fiction or Non-fiction: both
Historical Biography or Historical Romance: biography
Reading Pace: A Few Pages per Sitting or Finish at Least a Chapter: both
Short Story or Creative Non-fiction Essay: both
Blah Blah Blah or Yada Yada Yada: blah blah blah
“It was a dark and stormy night…” or “Once upon a time…”: both
Books: always
Book Reviews or Word of Mouth: both (even the cover...)