somwhere on the horizon is the spirit of tasmania - sadly my phonecam does not have enough voom to get all the details...

inspired by the skyline project.

- Diminishing:: disappearing
- Fed up:: not hard up
- 3:00 AM:: not often seen but it's not pretty when i do...
- Interfere:: mess with
- Often:: but not always
- Hay:: market
- Prediction:: clairvoyance
- Homophobia:: unnecessary prejudice
- Booty call:: um... i have no idea...
- Enunciate:: elocution
the last broadcast : doves
the final straw : snow patrol
when it's all over we still have to clear up : snow patrol
son of evil reindeer : reindeer section
the runaway found : the veils
a song is a city : eskimo joe